It was always my opinion that the Mohameddan world should be judged according to the same lights as nations and peoples who follow the Christian religion. The prophet Mohammed paid full respect to the teachings of Christ whilst rejecting his divinity; and in his lifetime this revered gentleman was no more violent than those kings, generals and even Popes who at the time professed allegiance to Christ.
Sadly the turbulence of the Middle East, the crucible of the world, has meant the roots of democracy and self-government have proved shallower amongst these peoples than in Europe, the Americas or other parts of Asia. Too often tyrants have reigned, besmirching the name of Allah and the words of their own holy book.
I reflect on these matters having read with horror and alarm the statement issued by the Mohammedan insurgents known as Al-Qaeda. Whilst peoples around the world welcomed the election of President Obama, as representing a new era in which colour of skin, race or religion, no longer determines a person's destiny, it was entirely predictable that this organisation would reject him in whatever terms might be felt would rally their diminishing forces . To most followers of Mohammed, the prospect of an American president named Hussein has seemed unimaginable; to Al-Qaeda he is an apostate. Thus far is predictable.
If however the reports are to be believed this organisation has gone further in heaping abuse on the new president. It has termed him a "house slave", abeed al-beit, a "house negro", according to their own translation.
Such comments are beyond offensive; they are worthy only of the Klu Klux Khan, the mythical American organisation that rejects enfranchisement.
In making such a comment, Al-Qaeda's spokesman reveals his organisation's true objective. It is to create a world segmented not just by religion but also by race; to continue the historic Arab mission of enslaving the Africas and converting the world by force of arms.
It is to be hoped that wiser counsels will prevail among other Mohammedan zealots. Indeed it is an opportune moment for those who in the eyes of the ignorant are aligned with Al-Qaeda to declare their difference; I think primarily of the Persians, the Lebanese, the Palestinians, the Sudanese.
Indeed I dare to hope that these two misplaced words might represent the turning of the tide in relations with the Mohammedan world. For it is when oppressed peoples recognise that others may suffer in the same way as themselves that the spark of liberalism is first kindled.
The Joy of Six 1327
11 hours ago
I think, actually, that al Qaeda believes that it would be possible to provoke Pres.-elect Obama in the same way our current man-child President has been provoked. I really doubt the "house negro" comment is anything more than an attempt at baiting Obama, and he is far too smart for that kind of thing.
Yet, it does reflect a certain mindset among any extremist to identify another in such a way. America has made a huge step away from that with the election of Barack Obama. Not just the killers of al Qaeda, but our own homegrown, American/Christian versions of the same mindset, would use similar loaded language to detract from the business at hand, topic number one being making sure our economies do not collapse. It is to his credit that Obama seems to be keeping his eye on the ball, and his ears closed to the tauntings of the small-minded, whether hiding in a cave in Pakistan, or in a basement in Alabama.
Indeed, Mr Kruse-Safford, a true statesman, as I anticipate President Obama to be, ignores such jibes. Nevertheless the statement is significant at a time when much of the Mohammedan world has sympathy for the cause that Al-Qaeda espouses, even if it rejects their methods. Many of those sympathetic to Osama will have raised hopes from the election of Obama and the hope of just settlements in the Middle East. Now they know they can expect little justice from Osama and his cohorts, who appear intent not on creating a brotherhood of nations, an Umma, but an imperium divided by race and religion.
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